Wednesday 9 August 2017

The Chamber Board Nominations

Chamber Board elections are imminent. As part of our democratic governance process, every year six positions become available on our Board.

Existing Board members can be re-elected but it is always a good opportunity for those Chamber members interested in getting involved in governance at the Chamber to put their names and credentials forward for consideration.

Board elections are conducted through electronic voting and historically we have had keen interest from our membership. This ensures that those involved in governance are elected through a robust process to represent the interests of the Chamber on the Board for a two-year period.

The Board’s responsibility is to ensure that the policy and determination of the strategic direction of the Chamber is delivered upon by Management. The Board is made up of 12 Directors each serving a two-year term.

I would strongly encourage members to consider putting their names forward as we are an organisation that believes in a robust democracy at a governance level.

Nominations must be received no later than 5.00pm on Friday 18 August and more information on the process and key dates can be found here, the nomination form can be found here.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information on 366 5096 or email 

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